IntroductionIn February 1989, the first formal U.S.-Soviet joint marine geologic-geophysical study in 10 years was undertaken along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge near 31N on the 12th Cruise of the RN Akademik Boris Petrov of the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry (USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow). This survey was initiated as part of the U.S.S.R.-U.S. cooperative research project "Mid-Atlantic Ridge Crest Processes" within the framework of the Soviet-U.S. bilateral Ocean Studies Agreement (Ostenso, 1989). U.S. scientists from the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Houston, and Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution participated in this program with Soviet scientists from the Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry, Institute of Geology, and Schmidt Institute of Physics of the Earth, all institutes of the USSR Academy of Sciences in Moscow (Appendix 1 ). The ship departed from Rotterdam, Nederlands on February 2, 1989 and docked in Bridgetown, Barbados on February 28, 1989. A log of the ship's schedule during this cruise is given in Appendix 2. This study involved a limited multibeam-bathymetric, gravity, magnetic, and seismic- reflection survey. and dredging program of a short-offset transform fault named the Petrov Fracture Zone near 31 N, located just north of the Atlantis Fracture Zone on the Mid Atlantic Ridge. A site survey at King's Trough in the northeast Atlantic for a MIR submersible program in June 1989 was originally planned as part of this program, but bad weather and the resultant poor quality geophysical data forced this work to be terminated after only one day. Nearly 6000 km of geophysical profile data and 13 dredge stations were completed during this cruise. A description of the geophysical systems aboard the RN Petrov is given in Appendices 3 and 4. All geophysical data were recorded on magnetic tape in data formats described in Appendix 5. Dredge locales and description summaries only are presented in Appendix 6. Detailed descriptions of dredge
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There are several geochemical Databases in INTERNET available now. There one of the main peculiarities of stored geochemical information is geographical coordinates of each samples in those Databases. As rule the software of this Database use spatial information only for users interface search procedures. In the other side, GIS-software (Geographical Information System software),for example ARC/INFO software which using for creation and analyzing special geological, geochemical and geophysical e-map, have been deeply involved with geographical coordinates for of samples. We join peculiarities GIS systems and relational geochemical Database from special software. Our geochemical information system created in Vernadsky Geological State Museum and institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry from Moscow. Now we tested system with data of geochemistry oceanic rock from Atlantic and Pacific oceans, about 10000 chemical analysis. GIS information content consist from e-map covers Wold Globes. Parts of these maps are Atlantic ocean covers gravica map (with grid 2''), oceanic bottom hot stream, altimeteric maps, seismic activity, tectonic map and geological map. Combination of this information content makes possible created new geochemical maps and combination of spatial analysis and numerical geochemical modeling of volcanic process in ocean segment. Now we tested information system on thick client technology. Interface between GIS system Arc/View and Database resides in special multiply SQL-queries sequence. The result of the above gueries were simple DBF-file with geographical coordinates. This file act at the instant of creation geochemical and other special e-map from oceanic region. We used more complex method for geophysical data. From ARC\\View we created grid cover for polygon spatial geophysical information. 2ff7e9595c